Your Job Search

The job market is becoming more competitive. The uncertainties around Brexit are causing massive upheavals in some sectors. People who sat tight in their job during the years of high unemployment are now looking around for new opportunities. So, more than ever, getting the right job involves presenting yourself at your very best.

The secret of a successful job search is to understand exactly what your skills and strengths are, and to know who the employers who you should be talking to. Clear, strong communication and careful targeting of opportunities are both essential.
We begin our work together on your Job Search campaign by helping you to identify your key skills and the things you have done that show you at your very best. We carefully work through your career history with you, picking out the highlights that demonstrate your achievements and indicate your potential.

We help you to discover where the job opportunities may be. Looking at on-line job boards is not an efficient way of getting a job, it’s what everybody else is doing and the chances of getting a response to your application, let alone an interview, are slim. We will show you how to take the initiative in your job search, so that you can more quickly discover the roles that are right for you, and get in touch with the people you need to be talking to.

When you are invited to a job interview we will help you prepare. We will work with you on your self-presentation, your messages and your confidence. You will be surprised what a difference professional interview preparation can make!
Finally, when you are offered the job we will help you negotiate the best possible terms. You’ve just won the job you want, so let’s make sure it gives you everything you need.

To discuss how EEA Consulting can help you conduct a successful and winning job search, and the various options we offer, please contact us now.


Help Your Job Search

There is no reason to stay in a dull job, or one you don’t enjoy. Nor to feel frustrated that your job search is not getting you anywhere. Whatever you need, we have the experience and commitment to help.